In 2016, the CPI will host two action-packed three-day events where riders in grades 9 – 12 from all over the United States have a chance to immerse themselves in the college equestrian experience and discover the various options available to them. Riders have a choice of attending the Palm Beach, Florida event held at the World-class Jim Brandon Equestrian Center in January; or the Burbank, California event held at the stunning Los Angeles Equestrian Center “Equidome” in March.
If you are in grades 9 – 12, and would like to participate in the CPI Horse Show, please review the CPI Rules and Regulations and complete the CPI Online Application.
Academic excellence and social integrity are key components of the CPI program. We encourage these values in students and reward them with the opportunity to win scholarships for academics and community service via the CPI Scholarship and Educational Fund. To learn more about the CPI scholarship award opportunities available, please visit the CPI Scholarships page.
Riders are invited to become involved with our CPI Junior Ambassador Program where members earn community service hours by hosting fundraising events and for volunteer service work at CPI events. All funds raised by CPI Junior Ambassador Program are for the organization’s Scholarship and Educational Fund and used to award scholarships to deserving student riders that participate in the CPI events.
The College Fair at the CPI Horse Show hosts representatives from colleges and universities from around the country allowing college-bound riders to meet coaches and school representatives and explore the options they offer for riding in college. (Please note that NCEA colleges may not participate in the college fair due to NCAA guidelines, but they do participate in educational presentations and join their colleagues in the private seating area for coaches at the horse show portion of the event.
The CPI Hunt Seat Equitation Competition portion of the event allows the rider to experience the unique collegiate equestrian competition format – giving each rider the opportunity to experience the draw, assess their horse and then display their equitation, sportsmanship and horsemanship skills in managing an unfamiliar mount in a competition setting.
The CPI saves families the expense of transporting and stabling a competition horse by providing suitable horses, saddles and tack, so participants need only bring their show clothes, helmets and crops.
Each CPI rider is encouraged to complete the CPI Online Rider Resume, specifically designed to highlight important information of interest to college coaches and admission representatives. The online resume includes riding, academic and special interest achievements, and it allows the rider to load three pictures and two YouTube videos. While the videos are optional, riders are encouraged to submit them to further showcase their riding abilities or any special interests they deem important to highlight. The student riders have the option of uploading their resumes to the CPI Website for public viewing as well.
Please stay connected with the College Preparatory Invitational Horse Show as we will supply information on new developments, including guest speakers, show officials, special event presentations and show schedules via communications to our Mailing List, or our Facebook page and the CPI Website.